Below is a letter to City Council regarding the timeline and cost to restore Glendale’s Brand Blvd. after a 4-1 decision was made to restore a poorly planned and ill-conceived bike lane project. The project, brought to City Council by councilmember Dan Brotman, has already cost the city $1.4 million. Glendale projects tear down delays of 6 months – 2 years at a costs of $527,696.
It was emailed to all council members and is being republished here with permission. We urge everyone to copy/paste the letter below, or write your own regarding these two important next steps regarding the Brand Blvd. experimental bike lane removal: Delays of , and the City of Glendale’s costs of
Council members,
First let me thank you for finally listening to the will of the people with regards to North Brand. However, now that the decision has been made to revert it back to what it was, myself (and many others) have two concerns that should be addressed immediately – before anyone takes vacation for the holidays.
1) Timeline: In the meeting it was discussed it could take 6mo-2yrs. That is unacceptable.
Given the data we have regarding increased safety concerns – most notably Chief Fish stating adverse affects on response times from station 26 and the fact they dispatch on average 35 times a day from there – I would think you could realize the lawsuit liability for the city if they leave this “demonstration” up one day longer than necessary. Therefore, how quickly can we remove the planters/bollards/k-rails/bike lane and re-stripe for two lanes of traffic on both sides and proper width parking? Basically how quickly can we get back to what it was WITHOUT wasting time deciding “can we paint the bike lanes green (Brotman) or add pedestrian bulbouts (Asatryan) etc. We are asking for WHAT WAS THERE BEFORE not making modifications or as you call them “beautifications”
2) The cost: The city manager stated that an RFP was done. We, the taxpayers, want to see each and every one of those and they MUST include line by line itemization of costs. There is zero logical reason removing items and painting lines – approx 80 hours of work as that’s what it took to put in – should cost that much. In addition the contractor that put them in wasn’t working quickly – we watched lots of “paid time” being wasted by employees twiddling their thumbs during the installation phase – so we need to ensure quick efficient work not time wasting work.Thank you.
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