Month: January 2021

Glendale Housing Authority, Joint Meeting, and City Council January 19, 2021

Glendale City Council Meeting, January 19, 2021 Joint Meeting, January 19, 2021 Housing Authority Meeting, January 19, 2021

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Ardy Kassakhian News & Views: Interview with Charles Mahtesian, POLITICO

An interview with POLITICO’s Senior Political Editor Charles Mahtesian about the Capitol Hill protests/riots, the Democratic control of the Congress and White House and what the future holds for local agencies struggling with the pandemic.

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Video: The City of Glendale’s 5th annual celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Originally broadcast by the City of Glendale Thursday, January 14, 2021 Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a federal holiday in the United States marking the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. It is observed on the third Monday of January each year. King’s birthday is January 15. The holiday…

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Jogger Spitting on Citizens Located, Arrested and Booked

Media Contact:  Sgt. HauptmannOffice: 818-937-8888Cell: 818-299-1565Email: Jogger Spitting on Citizens Located, Arrested and Booked In late 2020, the Glendale Police Department began receiving reports regarding a shirtless male jogger who was spitting on random people outdoors, primarily for not wearing a face mask.  Victims of his assaults ranged in…

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LA Metrolink Chairman and Glendale Councilmember, Ara Najarian, uses Nextdoor’s moderation system to censor public opinion

Ara Najarian is a very busy politician. He was ‘so busy’ that he proposed City Council and staff eliminate one City Council meeting per month, giving city officials a handful of taxpayer-paid days off. With a pretense of needing time to catch up on backed up reports and other city…

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Mike Mohill’s City Council call about Ara Najarian’s censorship on Nextdoor

At the January 12, 2021 Glendale City Council meeting, Ara Najarian’s long-time political adversary, local community newsletter publisher, Mike Mohill called in to bring attention to the repeated censorship tactics practiced by the councilmember. Mr. Najarian has a growing record of using such tactics on Nextdoor to prevent the greater…

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Dan Brotman creates 50 second COVID-19 PSA; City unable to produce better in 10 months

At the January 12, 2021 Glendale City Council meeting, Dan Brotman stressed the need for better enforcement of our social distancing and face covering ordinances. Though not planned as such, 50 seconds of his comments provided a better COVID-19 public service announcement than our city produced late in the holiday…

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Housing Authority: Ardy Kassakhian Suggests Saving City Money, Ara ‘Dark Days’ Najarian Throws Pity Party

(Originally posted to Nextdoor Glendale, CA September 13, 2020) Last week I posted a video of the Glendale Housing Authority – September 1, 2020 (Spaghetti Western Style). And I highly recommend this fine action-packed western adventure filled with heroes, villains, and do-nothings. Today I’m going to take a closer…

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Glendale Housing Authority – September 1, 2020 (Spaghetti Western Style)

(Originally posted to Nextdoor September 4, 2020) Generally this is a pointless, wasteful meeting that conducts little or no business. This one was different. Having accidentally clicked on it, I found it packed with all of the flavor of a spaghetti western movie. It has it all; the good, the…

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Glendale City Council and Special Meeting, January 12, 2021

Glendale City Council Meeting, January 12, 2021 Special Meeting, January 12, 2021

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Glendale 5th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Togetherhood Celebration on Thursday, January 14, 2021

The City of Glendale invites you to join and watch the 5th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Togetherhood Celebration on Thursday, January 14, 2021, at 12noon PST! This free event is open to the public via WebEx by visiting, on Charter Communications/Spectrum Cable Channel 6 in the Glendale/La…

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Glendale posts Council agenda 12 days in advance. The unintended benefit of taking 20 days off?

On December 31, 2020 Ardy Kassakhian posted on Twitter: “Meeting agendas ready 12 days before the actual scheduled meeting. Let’s make this a regular occurrence so the public has a chance to see what’s coming up for a vote. #transparency#LocalGov “ I agree that the public should have plenty of…

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