Tag: Glendale neighborhoods
Glendale Housing Authority – 8/16/22
Housing Authority There were no items on the agenda. However, during Oral Communications, Mayor Kassakhian cited an inaccurate article in the LA Times which singled out Glendale as “the most expensive Southern California city” in which to rent. LA Times via Yahoo News: California rents are spiking — and in…
And Then There Were Three…
You may hear it when a new couple is expecting their first baby, or when searching for the ninth studio album by the English rock band Genesis. But in Glendale government, it describes the number of Board members remaining at last week’s Design Review Board meeting. After finding out he’s…
Joint City Council and Housing Authority Aug 09, 2022
Housing Authority Community Development, re: Acquisition of 426 Piedmont Avenue and 507 Naranja Drive for the Purpose of Developing Affordable Housing a. Resolution of Appropriation in the amount of $12Mb. Housing Authority Resolution to Authorize the Executive Director to Execute a Purchase and Sale Agreement with Berg Senior Services, LLCc….
Glendale City Council, Joint CC/Housing Authority Meetings August 10, 2021
Glendale City Council August 10, 2021 Opening comments regarding the 3-fatality street racing collision in Burbank on Glenoaks Blvd., August 3, 2021. Includes comments by Glendale Police Chief, Carl Povilitis. Consent items: Installation of Class II Bike Lanes and Creative Crosswalks Project was pulled for further discussion. (Brotman) Big Action…
Glendale National Night Out 2021
2021 NATIONAL NIGHT OUT EVENT The Annual Glendale Police Department’s 2021 National Night Out will be held Tuesday, August 3, 2021, from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. National Night Out is usually held on the first Tuesday in August. National Night Out is a community-driven event where neighbors get to…
Happy Independence Day! July 4, 2021
Wishing everyone a happy and safe 4th of July. The best for health and happiness to everyone in Glendale, and our surrounding communities. Below are three local fireworks displays available for public viewing: Starlight Bowl – BurbankThe annual Burbank 4thof July fireworks display will take place beginning at 9:00 pm…
Dan Brotman addresses public on Ara Najarian’s ‘Winegate’; exposes Mayor Agajanian’s complicity
At the February 16, 2021 City Council Meeting, Councilmember Dan Brotman made comments directly to the viewing public regarding motives behind the ‘Winegate’ fiasco orchestrated by Ara Najarian. This video includes his statement directed to the citizens of Glendale. Mr. Brotman informs us that some with commercial developer interests are…
Ara Najarian’s ‘Winegate’ “scandal” fizzles at City Council
This is a clip of the full second motion of ‘winegate,’ where Ara Najarian walks the thin line between defaming someone and defamation, at the February 16, 2021 City Council meeting. Council rejected it in a 2 abstain (Brotman, Devine): 1 no (Kassakhian): 2 yes (Najarian, Agajanian) vote. Mr. Najarian…
Glendale City Council, Joint Meeting, and Housing Authority February 16, 2021
Glendale City Council Glendale Joint Housing Authority and City Council Glendale Housing Authority
Glendale Police Department Introduction to Neighborhood Watch
GPD will be holding a live virtual meeting for those interested in an introduction to the neighborhood watch program on 2/10/21 at 6pm. For more info, or to register, email gpdneighborhoodwatch@glendaleca.gov
Councilmember Ara Najarian Unfamiliar with Proposal, Shows His Apathy for Rancho: About That Tram Part 2
At the September 22, 2020 City Council meeting, Paula Devine made a motion to request staff for a report on “a proposed tram in Griffith Park which could negatively impact our Rancho area.” Attempting to sound as if he had something to add on the topic, Ara Najarian demonstrated that…
Paula Devine advocates for Riverside Rancho and surrounding areas: About that Tram (part 1)
At the September 22, 2020 City Council meeting, Paula Devine made a motion to request staff for a report on “a proposed tram in Griffith Park which could negatively impact our Rancho area.” She cited the negative affects the Los Angeles project could have upon the local equestrian community and…
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