Tag: City ordinances

And Then There Were Three…

You may hear it when a new couple is expecting their first baby, or when searching for the ninth studio album by the English rock band Genesis. But in Glendale government, it describes the number of Board members remaining at last week’s Design Review Board meeting. After finding out he’s…

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Council caller highlights Ara Najarian’s ties to commercial developers

At the October 5, 2021 Glendale City Council meeting, we saw Ara Najarian’s latest scheme to support commercial developers and disadvantage land use appellants by manipulating city ordinance. In this case, his proposal would require the recusal of councilmembers who have received any donation from members of an appealing party….

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Glendale City Council, Joint CC/Housing Authority Meetings August 24, 2021

Glendale City Council August 24, 2021 Action Items: a. Community Development, re: Introduction of an Ordinance to Revoke and Reinstate Title 5 of the Glendale Municipal Code to Update Business Regulations and Business License Procedures — Council voted unanimously to clean up it’s business license code. It includes a streamlined…

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Dan Brotman asks GPD about LA County DA handling of reckless driving/street racing cases

For the second straight week since the street racing collision that claimed three innocent lives in Burbank on August 3, 2021 occurred, the subject of reckless driving and street racing came up at Glendale City Council on August 17, 2021. Many who drive on Glenoaks Blvd. in Glendale (and Burbank)…

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Glendale City Council, Joint CC/Housing Authority Meetings August 17, 2021

Glendale City Council August 17, 2021 The big Action Items were: Police Department, re: Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Special Directives and Impacts Council decided to send a ‘we have some serious concerns, so we’re reaching out to you‘ letter to District Attorney, George Gascon’s office. Ardy Kassakhian made sure…

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Glendale City Council, Joint CC/Housing Authority Meetings August 10, 2021

Glendale City Council August 10, 2021 Opening comments regarding the 3-fatality street racing collision in Burbank on Glenoaks Blvd., August 3, 2021. Includes comments by Glendale Police Chief, Carl Povilitis. Consent items: Installation of Class II Bike Lanes and Creative Crosswalks Project was pulled for further discussion. (Brotman) Big Action…

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Glendale City Council, Joint CC/Successor Agency July 27, 2021

The big item in this meeting was Public Works, re: Contracts for Franchising of the Solid Waste Collection Services for Commercial Establishments and Multi-Family Residential Establishments of 5-Units or Greater. Translation: Your trash collection rates are going to increase. Single family homes and multi-family residences still have some time before…

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Glendale City Council, Joint CC/Successor Agency, and Housing Authority Meetings July 20, 2021

Glendale City Council July 20, 2021 Glendale Housing Authority – July 20, 2021 (includes Council/Successor Agency)

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Glendale City Council, Housing Authority, Joint Meeting, and Special Council May 4, 2021

Glendale City Council- 5/04/2021 Housing Authority – 05/04/2021 Joint City Council and Housing Authority – 05/04/2021 Special City Council – 05/04/2021

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Glendale City Council, Special Meeting (2), and Joint Housing Authority April 27, 2021

City Council- 4/27/2021 Special City Council-4/27/2021 Joint City Council and Housing Authority- 4/7/21 Special City Council- 4/27/2021 (9:00 am)

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Dan Brotman addresses public on Ara Najarian’s ‘Winegate’; exposes Mayor Agajanian’s complicity

At the February 16, 2021 City Council Meeting, Councilmember Dan Brotman made comments directly to the viewing public regarding motives behind the ‘Winegate’ fiasco orchestrated by Ara Najarian. This video includes his statement directed to the citizens of Glendale. Mr. Brotman informs us that some with commercial developer interests are…

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Glendale Housing Authority, Joint Meeting, and City Council January 19, 2021

Glendale City Council Meeting, January 19, 2021 Joint Meeting, January 19, 2021 Housing Authority Meeting, January 19, 2021

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Glendale City Council and Special Meeting, January 12, 2021

Glendale City Council Meeting, January 12, 2021 Special Meeting, January 12, 2021

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@MyGlendale tweets wrong COVID-19 death count, only off by six human lives

Today @MyGlendale tweeted a series of nine COVID-19 messages to the public. In their final message, they pled for the public to consider those who have lost their lives in Glendale to COVID-19, citing 225 people who have died from the disease. Unfortunately, their data was two days old, and…

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COVID-19: LA County Health Department vs. Glendale Pseudo Health Department

As I posted earlier, councilmember Ara Najarian wasted Glendale City Council time recently on a half-baked proposal to create a Glendale health department. His motivation was to circumvent restrictions on outdoor dining imposed by LA County, and had nothing to do with the public’s health. And his vision for the…

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Airbnb rentals spark conflict, health concerns with Glendale apartment building owner

December 10, 2020 GLENDALE, Calif. (KABC) — Several Southern California renters are upset with a partnership their apartment building owner has made with Airbnb, calling it hypocritical and dangerous. “I saw a lot of people with suitcases and so I looked on Airbnb and I noticed there were a lot…

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