Glendale City Councilmember, Ardy Kassakhian, Calls Out Trump and Biden in Tweet

(Originally posted to Nextdoor 10/17/2020)

But it seems our Presidential candidates are deaf to the question.

Which US United States Presidential candidate will have the guts to recognize #Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh)? @POTUS @JoeBiden Armenian-American voters in swing states like FL, PN, MI, AZ and others want to know. #StopAzeriAggression #SanctionErdogan

Author: GCGW admin

1 thought on “Glendale City Councilmember, Ardy Kassakhian, Calls Out Trump and Biden in Tweet

  1. Copied from RELATED ND COMMENTS:
    Phillip M • Riverside Rancho
    In the Riverside Rancho, we know what it’s like to be ignored by someone expected to be a leader and representative.
    Our neighborhood got as much from Najarian, Agajanian, Gharpetian, and Sinanyan when they made up the City Council of 2019.
    15 Oct, 2020

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