Category: Crime
Dan Brotman asks GPD about LA County DA handling of reckless driving/street racing cases
For the second straight week since the street racing collision that claimed three innocent lives in Burbank on August 3, 2021 occurred, the subject of reckless driving and street racing came up at Glendale City Council on August 17, 2021. Many who drive on Glenoaks Blvd. in Glendale (and Burbank)…
Glendale City Council, Joint CC/Housing Authority Meetings August 17, 2021
Glendale City Council August 17, 2021 The big Action Items were: Police Department, re: Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Special Directives and Impacts Council decided to send a ‘we have some serious concerns, so we’re reaching out to you‘ letter to District Attorney, George Gascon’s office. Ardy Kassakhian made sure…
Glendale City Council, Joint CC/Housing Authority Meetings August 10, 2021
Glendale City Council August 10, 2021 Opening comments regarding the 3-fatality street racing collision in Burbank on Glenoaks Blvd., August 3, 2021. Includes comments by Glendale Police Chief, Carl Povilitis. Consent items: Installation of Class II Bike Lanes and Creative Crosswalks Project was pulled for further discussion. (Brotman) Big Action…
Glendale National Night Out 2021
2021 NATIONAL NIGHT OUT EVENT The Annual Glendale Police Department’s 2021 National Night Out will be held Tuesday, August 3, 2021, from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. National Night Out is usually held on the first Tuesday in August. National Night Out is a community-driven event where neighbors get to…
Previous meetings: City Council, Special Meeting, Joint CC/Housing Authority – June 29 & July 13, 2021
City Council -June 29 Apiaries & beekeeping, GWP Energy Risk Management Policy, Public tree trimming procedure and costs), COVID-19 Emergency ordinance extension, Update on racial diversity/equity/inclusion efforts. Special City Council – 6/29/21 Management and Operation of Alex Theatre, Housing Authority CDBG/CARES Act Joint City Council and Housing Authority – 7/13/21…
Four Glendale Police Officers On Administrative Leave After Video Shows Them Beating 17-Year-Old
Warning: Graphic video Interestingly, the above video implies that it was KCAL News who brought the incident to the attention of GPD. And, GPD only took action after the media informed them that the incident went public. Did our own police department not know what was going on within its…
Glendale Police Department Introduction to Neighborhood Watch
GPD will be holding a live virtual meeting for those interested in an introduction to the neighborhood watch program on 2/10/21 at 6pm. For more info, or to register, email
Jogger Spitting on Citizens Located, Arrested and Booked
Media Contact: Sgt. HauptmannOffice: 818-937-8888Cell: 818-299-1565Email: Jogger Spitting on Citizens Located, Arrested and Booked In late 2020, the Glendale Police Department began receiving reports regarding a shirtless male jogger who was spitting on random people outdoors, primarily for not wearing a face mask. Victims of his assaults ranged in…
Male Arrested for Theft, Heroin, Obstructing and Possessing Five Handguns with Ammo at The Galleria Mall
For Immediate Release Media Contact: Sgt. HauptmannOffice: 818-937-8888Cell: 818-299-1565Email: Male Arrested for Theft, Heroin, Obstructing and Possessing Five Handguns with Ammo at The Galleria Mall On December 18, 2020, around 2:45 p.m., officers assigned to the Glendale Police Department’s Downtown Policing Unit received a call from a business at…
Ardy Kassakhian: Fundraiser for the Daughter of Glendale Resident, Elena Ledford
(Via Ardy Kassakhian, Facebook) Councilmember Ardy Kassakhian posted to social media today to bring awareness to a fundraiser created for the 14-year old daughter of Glendale resident, Elena Ledford, who was found slain in a Pasadena park two days before Thanksgiving. Kassakhian wrote: “Help if you can. Some of you…
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