Dan Brotman discusses Glendale’s resolution acknowledging its history as a “sundown town” on NPR’s AirTalk

(Originally posted to Nextdoor 10/17/2020)

Also interviewed in the show are: Tanita Harris-Ligons, founder of Black in Glendale (https://www.blackinglendale.org) and member of the Coalition for an Anti-Racist Glendale (https://www.glendaleywca.org/what-were-doing/racialjustice).

James W. Loewen, American sociologist, historian, and author of ” Sundown Towns: A Hidden Dimension of American Racism.” I have edited out the show’s commercials and all material not relevant to the topic of Glendale.

The full October 15, 2020 show can be found at https://www.npr.org/podcasts/381444294/air-talk

Author: GCGW admin

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