Category: Design Review Board

And Then There Were Three…

You may hear it when a new couple is expecting their first baby, or when searching for the ninth studio album by the English rock band Genesis. But in Glendale government, it describes the number of Board members remaining at last week’s Design Review Board meeting. After finding out he’s…

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Dan Brotman addresses public on Ara Najarian’s ‘Winegate’; exposes Mayor Agajanian’s complicity

At the February 16, 2021 City Council Meeting, Councilmember Dan Brotman made comments directly to the viewing public regarding motives behind the ‘Winegate’ fiasco orchestrated by Ara Najarian. This video includes his statement directed to the citizens of Glendale. Mr. Brotman informs us that some with commercial developer interests are…

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Ara Najarian’s ‘Winegate’ “scandal” fizzles at City Council

This is a clip of the full second motion of ‘winegate,’ where Ara Najarian walks the thin line between defaming someone and defamation, at the February 16, 2021 City Council meeting. Council rejected it in a 2 abstain (Brotman, Devine): 1 no (Kassakhian): 2 yes (Najarian, Agajanian) vote. Mr. Najarian…

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Outlook Newspapers: ‘Winegate’ Controversy Engrosses Council

Outlook Newspapers’ Glendale News-Press had especially good coverage of Ara Najarian’s failed over-reactive attempt to to create a scandal designed to impair the Design Review Board. Recall that Ara Najarian made a point of mentioning (threatening) media coverage at the City Council meeting. “More than two hours of discussing what…

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Glendale City Council, Joint Meeting, and Housing Authority February 16, 2021

Glendale City Council Glendale Joint Housing Authority and City Council Glendale Housing Authority

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