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Glendale Citizen Calls Out City Hall for Excessive Delays and Unnecessary Spending
Below is a letter to City Council regarding the timeline and cost to restore Glendale’s Brand Blvd. after a 4-1 decision was made to restore a poorly planned and ill-conceived bike lane project. The project, brought to City Council by councilmember Dan Brotman, has already cost the city $1.4 million….
Glendale City Council – 8/16/22
REVISED Item 8b was added 3. PRESENTATIONS AND APPOINTMENTSa. Agenda Preview for the Meetings of Tuesday, August 23, 2022b. Appointment of Board and Commission Member (Asatryan, 8/9/2022) Sona A. Tatiyants, Commission on the Status of Womenc. Appointment of Board and Commission Member (Asatryan, 8/9/2022) Joseph Kaskanian, Design Review Boardd. Appointment…
Glendale Housing Authority – 8/16/22
Housing Authority There were no items on the agenda. However, during Oral Communications, Mayor Kassakhian cited an inaccurate article in the LA Times which singled out Glendale as “the most expensive Southern California city” in which to rent. LA Times via Yahoo News: California rents are spiking — and in…
And Then There Were Three…
You may hear it when a new couple is expecting their first baby, or when searching for the ninth studio album by the English rock band Genesis. But in Glendale government, it describes the number of Board members remaining at last week’s Design Review Board meeting. After finding out he’s…
Glendale City Council Aug 09, 2022
REVISED Closed Session start time was revised Item 4b was removed Item 8c was added CONSENT ITEMS (Including Minutes)The following are Routine and May be Acted Upon by One Motion. Any Member of Council or the Audience Requesting Separate Consideration May do so by Making Such Request Before Motion is…
Joint City Council and Housing Authority Aug 09, 2022
Housing Authority Community Development, re: Acquisition of 426 Piedmont Avenue and 507 Naranja Drive for the Purpose of Developing Affordable Housing a. Resolution of Appropriation in the amount of $12Mb. Housing Authority Resolution to Authorize the Executive Director to Execute a Purchase and Sale Agreement with Berg Senior Services, LLCc….
Glendale City Government Watch June 7, 2022 election voter’s guide
Plain and simple. No pictures, no commentary. City Council Dan Brotman, Anita Quiñonez Gabrielian, Elen Asatryan City Clerk Dr. Suzie Abajian Glendale Unified School District Trustee Area B Ingrid Gunnell Glendale Unified School District Trustee Area C Kathleen Cross
Glendale Councilmember, Vrej Agajanian, breaks campaign laws
Glendale City Attorney confirms Councilmember Vrej Agajanian broke campaign laws: “We were advised of the use of City photos in that flyer a couple of weeks ago. We advised Councilmember Agajanian to cease use of the City produced photos in any future campaign material. He agreed and it is our…
Mohill: censorship and “thought police” on Nextdoor.
But he got this correct in his email blast this morning. Nextdoor is a Pollyannaville of dystopian censorship.
Glendale City Council – 5/24/22
Glendale Mayor, Ardy Kassakhian, opens the meeting with thoughts on school shooting in Uvalde, Texas. CONSENT ITEMS (Including Minutes)The following are Routine and May be Acted Upon by One Motion. Any Member of Council or the Audience Requesting Separate Consideration May do so by Making Such Request Before Motion is…
Joint City Council and Housing Authority – 5/24/22
This is a very informative meeting for those concerned about homelessness in Glendale. Community Services and Parks, re: Acceptance of grant funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for the 2021 Continuum of Care Program; and City of Glendale’s 2022 Homeless Point-in-Time Count a. Council Motion approving…
Glendale Nomination Papers Issued February 14 – March 11, 2022; candidate hopefuls as of 2/17/2022
The nomination period for the upcoming June 7, 2022 Glendale Municipal Election is open from February 14 to March 11, 2022 at 5:00 PM. During the nomination period, we will be watching Glendale’s list of candidates who pull papers to run for office, as well as updating those whose papers…
Partial list of candidates for Glendale’s June 7, 2022 election
At this time several campaign committees have been created for our next Glendale election. Four are for City Council, and one if for College Board Area 4. They are: Anita Quinonez Gabrielian for Glendale City Council 2022Ara Najarian for City Council 2022Brotman for City Council 2022Davis for College Board Area…
Council caller highlights Ara Najarian’s ties to commercial developers
At the October 5, 2021 Glendale City Council meeting, we saw Ara Najarian’s latest scheme to support commercial developers and disadvantage land use appellants by manipulating city ordinance. In this case, his proposal would require the recusal of councilmembers who have received any donation from members of an appealing party….
Ardy Kassakhian News & Views: Interview with Paul Mitchell, VP of Political Data Inc.
A discussion about redistricting, the census and how things may shake out politically in California in 2021 and beyond.
Glendale City Council, Joint CC/Housing Authority Meetings August 24, 2021
Glendale City Council August 24, 2021 Action Items: a. Community Development, re: Introduction of an Ordinance to Revoke and Reinstate Title 5 of the Glendale Municipal Code to Update Business Regulations and Business License Procedures — Council voted unanimously to clean up it’s business license code. It includes a streamlined…
An open letter to Mike Mohill
Mr. Mohill, In recent months you’ve published several of my comments in your newsletter. I would appreciate if you make clear to your readers your practice of copying my comments from the Nextdoor social media platform. You tend to represent comments made on social media as having been sent to…
Dan Brotman asks GPD about LA County DA handling of reckless driving/street racing cases
For the second straight week since the street racing collision that claimed three innocent lives in Burbank on August 3, 2021 occurred, the subject of reckless driving and street racing came up at Glendale City Council on August 17, 2021. Many who drive on Glenoaks Blvd. in Glendale (and Burbank)…
Glendale City Council, Joint CC/Housing Authority Meetings August 17, 2021
Glendale City Council August 17, 2021 The big Action Items were: Police Department, re: Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Special Directives and Impacts Council decided to send a ‘we have some serious concerns, so we’re reaching out to you‘ letter to District Attorney, George Gascon’s office. Ardy Kassakhian made sure…
Councilmember, Ara Najarian, who created “Dark Days” and “Winegate,” brings us ‘WhineFest’
At the July 13, 2021 City Council discussions on whether Glendale should provide public funding for Council election candidates, councilmember, Ara Najarian, revealed that he doesn’t like his job very much. Despite his creation of the City Council ‘Dark Days’ policy, giving himself and staff a day off by eliminating…
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