Tag: City Resolutions

Glendale City Council – 8/16/22

REVISED Item 8b was added 3. PRESENTATIONS AND APPOINTMENTSa. Agenda Preview for the Meetings of Tuesday, August 23, 2022b. Appointment of Board and Commission Member (Asatryan, 8/9/2022) Sona A. Tatiyants, Commission on the Status of Womenc. Appointment of Board and Commission Member (Asatryan, 8/9/2022) Joseph Kaskanian, Design Review Boardd. Appointment…

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Glendale City Council Adopts Resolution Recognizing the Independence of the Republic of Artsakh

On Tuesday, October 27, 2020, the Glendale City Council adopted a Resolution recognizing the independence of the Republic of Artsakh and formally called upon the President of the United States and U.S. Congress to recognize the independence of the Republic of Artsakh for the purpose of bringing peace and stability…

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