Tag: Art Simonian
And Then There Were Three…
You may hear it when a new couple is expecting their first baby, or when searching for the ninth studio album by the English rock band Genesis. But in Glendale government, it describes the number of Board members remaining at last week’s Design Review Board meeting. After finding out he’s…
Ara Najarian’s ‘Winegate’ “scandal” fizzles at City Council
This is a clip of the full second motion of ‘winegate,’ where Ara Najarian walks the thin line between defaming someone and defamation, at the February 16, 2021 City Council meeting. Council rejected it in a 2 abstain (Brotman, Devine): 1 no (Kassakhian): 2 yes (Najarian, Agajanian) vote. Mr. Najarian…
Councilmember Ara Najarian Unfamiliar with Proposal, Shows His Apathy for Rancho: About That Tram Part 2
At the September 22, 2020 City Council meeting, Paula Devine made a motion to request staff for a report on “a proposed tram in Griffith Park which could negatively impact our Rancho area.” Attempting to sound as if he had something to add on the topic, Ara Najarian demonstrated that…
Paula Devine advocates for Riverside Rancho and surrounding areas: About that Tram (part 1)
At the September 22, 2020 City Council meeting, Paula Devine made a motion to request staff for a report on “a proposed tram in Griffith Park which could negatively impact our Rancho area.” She cited the negative affects the Los Angeles project could have upon the local equestrian community and…
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