Roubik Golanian accepts appointment as City Manager of Glendale
At the March 9, 2021 meeting, Glendale City Council appointed Mr. Roubik Golanian City Manager. Below are Mr. Golanian’s comments to Council and the public as he formally accepted the appointment.
Glendale City Council, and Special Meeting March 9, 2021
Dan Brotman addresses public on Ara Najarian’s ‘Winegate’; exposes Mayor Agajanian’s complicity
At the February 16, 2021 City Council Meeting, Councilmember Dan Brotman made comments directly to the viewing public regarding motives behind the ‘Winegate’ fiasco orchestrated by Ara Najarian. This video includes his statement directed to the citizens of Glendale. Mr. Brotman informs us that some with commercial developer interests are…
Ara Najarian’s ‘Winegate’ “scandal” fizzles at City Council
This is a clip of the full second motion of ‘winegate,’ where Ara Najarian walks the thin line between defaming someone and defamation, at the February 16, 2021 City Council meeting. Council rejected it in a 2 abstain (Brotman, Devine): 1 no (Kassakhian): 2 yes (Najarian, Agajanian) vote. Mr. Najarian…
Outlook Newspapers: ‘Winegate’ Controversy Engrosses Council
Outlook Newspapers’ Glendale News-Press had especially good coverage of Ara Najarian’s failed over-reactive attempt to to create a scandal designed to impair the Design Review Board. Recall that Ara Najarian made a point of mentioning (threatening) media coverage at the City Council meeting. “More than two hours of discussing what…
Glendale City Council, Joint Meeting, and Housing Authority February 16, 2021
Glendale City Council Glendale Joint Housing Authority and City Council Glendale Housing Authority
Glendale City Council February 9, 2021
Glendale City Council February 2, 2021
Glendale Police Department Introduction to Neighborhood Watch
GPD will be holding a live virtual meeting for those interested in an introduction to the neighborhood watch program on 2/10/21 at 6pm. For more info, or to register, email
50 Years Ago Today: 1971 San Fernando Valley Earthquake – Sylmar
Today is the 50th anniversary of the Sylmar earthquake. The 1971 San Fernando earthquake (also known as the Sylmar earthquake) occurred in the early morning of February 9 in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains in southern California. The unanticipated thrust earthquake had a magnitude of 6.5 on the…
“The Love Doctor” Ara Najarian enjoys a sunset while Glendale residents die of COVID-19
Published to Facebook January 9, 2021 with the message “Peace and Love.” At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, while case and death numbers were rapidly increasing in Glendale, this Glendale City Council member was enjoying a day at the beach and declaring himself “the love doctor.” — Nauseating. On…
Glendale City Council January 26, 2021
Glendale Housing Authority, Joint Meeting, and City Council January 19, 2021
Glendale City Council Meeting, January 19, 2021 Joint Meeting, January 19, 2021 Housing Authority Meeting, January 19, 2021
Ardy Kassakhian News & Views: Interview with Charles Mahtesian, POLITICO
An interview with POLITICO’s Senior Political Editor Charles Mahtesian about the Capitol Hill protests/riots, the Democratic control of the Congress and White House and what the future holds for local agencies struggling with the pandemic.
Video: The City of Glendale’s 5th annual celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Originally broadcast by the City of Glendale Thursday, January 14, 2021 Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a federal holiday in the United States marking the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. It is observed on the third Monday of January each year. King’s birthday is January 15. The holiday…
Jogger Spitting on Citizens Located, Arrested and Booked
Media Contact: Sgt. HauptmannOffice: 818-937-8888Cell: 818-299-1565Email: Jogger Spitting on Citizens Located, Arrested and Booked In late 2020, the Glendale Police Department began receiving reports regarding a shirtless male jogger who was spitting on random people outdoors, primarily for not wearing a face mask. Victims of his assaults ranged in…
LA Metrolink Chairman and Glendale Councilmember, Ara Najarian, uses Nextdoor’s moderation system to censor public opinion
Ara Najarian is a very busy politician. He was ‘so busy’ that he proposed City Council and staff eliminate one City Council meeting per month, giving city officials a handful of taxpayer-paid days off. With a pretense of needing time to catch up on backed up reports and other city…
Mike Mohill’s City Council call about Ara Najarian’s censorship on Nextdoor
At the January 12, 2021 Glendale City Council meeting, Ara Najarian’s long-time political adversary, local community newsletter publisher, Mike Mohill called in to bring attention to the repeated censorship tactics practiced by the councilmember. Mr. Najarian has a growing record of using such tactics on Nextdoor to prevent the greater…
Dan Brotman creates 50 second COVID-19 PSA; City unable to produce better in 10 months
At the January 12, 2021 Glendale City Council meeting, Dan Brotman stressed the need for better enforcement of our social distancing and face covering ordinances. Though not planned as such, 50 seconds of his comments provided a better COVID-19 public service announcement than our city produced late in the holiday…
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