Glendale City Council, Joint CC/Housing Authority Meetings August 10, 2021

Glendale City Council August 10, 2021

Opening comments regarding the 3-fatality street racing collision in Burbank on Glenoaks Blvd., August 3, 2021. Includes comments by Glendale Police Chief, Carl Povilitis.

Consent items: Installation of Class II Bike Lanes and Creative Crosswalks Project was pulled for further discussion. (Brotman)

Big Action Item was: Implementation of Phase II of Mandatory Water Conservation with the Applicable Drought Charge (Yes, expect new fees and restrictions. No, it’s not that bad)

Also: Ordinance regulating the use of Disposable Foodware Accessories (Food establishments have 120 days to get their act together, learn the ordinance, and implement it.)

Montrose Shopping Park Al Fresco Dining Locations: Looks like it’s here to stay for a while longer.

Next week: Discussions on City Council Districts and having an elected mayor

Joint City Council and Housing Authority August 10, 2021

340-Unit Affordable Rental Housing Project for Seniors and Small Families at 515 Pioneer Drive — Approved.

Author: GCGW admin